Honoring Our Staff for Academic Achievements!

Step into graduation season with Cordrè in the middle of May. Today, we’re not just here to dazzle taste buds, but to give a special shout out to some incredible people who have rocked their time with us while conquering the challenges of high school, college, and other academic programs. We are grateful for their investment in our culinary endeavors and for showing up whenever we need them. We couldn’t be more proud of our recent graduates, carrying the Cordrè name with pride and taking their dreams to new heights. Read all about their achievements and future plans below!

Manuel Cordray graduated from Olympic High School here in Charlotte. After three years at Cordrè, he has decided to stay on staff while he completes his degree in computer science. He will be playing football at Catawba College in the upcoming season thanks to an athletic scholarship he received.

Devin Regin received his diploma from Olympic High School as well. He joined our team about 1 year ago and has been working hard ever since. Now, he intends to earn his degree from Johnson & Wales University, where he will concentrate his studies on culinary arts as well as business management.

Madison Smith received her Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She has been working with us for 2 years and recently expressed her interest in pursuing a career either in copywriting or technical writing.

Manneja Cordray attended Virginia Commonwealth University and earned her Master of Science degree in Health Administration. She has worked with us for the past five years, and her future career goals include working in hospital operations.

Tyra Taylor was formally inducted into Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. She has been working with us for 3 years, and now has plans to continue her education in her study of early childhood education at Central Piedmont Central Community College.


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